First year around the world

أول سنة حول العالم


In December 2013, while drinking tea in Beirut, we were a couple of photographers who realized we had the urge to create something new and positive for the Syrian community.

Possibilities were evoked, ideas were combined, connections were made; a new project was born. Twelve months later, we had captured portraits of more than 100 Syrians from different parts of the world. Our team expanded, as well as our audience, but we stayed focused on one goal: sharing portraits and thoughts of Syrians around the world.

We summarized our key accomplishments in the infographic below to portray the work we have done in our first year.

On behalf of the whole team, thank you for being part of this journey.

- First year around the world
Founder of Syrian Eyes of the World


«À venir»

- First year around the world



أول سنة حول العالم -
